Booking Fees:
You are required to make a non-refundable $100 booking fee to reserve for each of your procedural appointment. This amount will go towards total cost of the service(s) that is due at the initial session.
We kindly request at least 48 hours notice of cancellation and rescheduling your appointment. We understand emergencies do occurs, however, failure to cancel or no-show to your appointment, will forfeit your $100 booking fee. If you choose to cancel your appointment, you will automatically forfeit your booking fee. Additional booking fee will be required to reschedule your appointment if you give less than 48 hours notice. Clients who no-show once will be required to pay in advance for any reservation.
Late Arrivals:
We value your time as we do with all other clients. We will do my very best to make sure that you are seen at your scheduled time. If you think you may be a few minutes late for your appointment, please call or text to let us know and we will make every effort to accommodate you. However, arriving later than 15 minutes will limit the time of treatment, your appointment will be cancelled. An additional booking fee $100 will be required to reschedule your appointment.
Complimentary Touchup Sessions (6-12 weeks after initial session):
If you cancel less than 48 hours or arrive later than 15 minutes after your scheduled appointment, your complimentary touchup session will be cancelled. There will be an additional fee of $100 for the rescheduled appointment and it must be within 12 weeks.
There will be no refund for services completed at Talenia Beauty Brows studio. Talenia Beauty Brow reserves the right to refuse any service to anyone at our discretion.
Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Debit cards are accepted.
Services and prices are subject to change. Gratuities are not included with any service pricing but are appreciated.